Air Force PT Test Calculator

The Air Force Physical Fitness Test (PT) Calculator is a tool used to evaluate an individual’s physical fitness level according to the standards set by the United States Air Force (USAF). This calculator helps determine if a service member meets the physical fitness requirements necessary for operational readiness.

Scoring Breakdown

  1. Aerobic Fitness: Up to 60 points.
  2. Body Composition: Up to 20 points.
  3. Push-Ups: Up to 10 points.
  4. Sit-Ups: Up to 10 points.

The total score determines the individual’s fitness category:

  • Excellent: 90+ points.
  • Satisfactory: 75–89.9 points.
  • Unsatisfactory: Below 75 points.

Air Force PT Test Calculator

Component Score
1.5-Mile Run
Total Score
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