Child Height Prediction Calculator ( Mid-Parental Height Method)

Child height prediction refers to estimating how tall a child is likely to grow when they reach adulthood. One common method for predicting height is the Mid-Parental Height Method, which uses the height of the parents to estimate the child’s genetic potential for growth.

This method provides a rough estimate and assumes that height is primarily influenced by genetics, although factors such as nutrition, health, and environmental conditions also play significant roles.

Example Calculations

For A Boy
Father’s HeightMother’s HeightFor a Boy Predicted HeightFor a Boy Predicted Range
180165179174 cm to 184 cm
For A Girl
Father’s HeightMother’s HeightFor a Girl Predicted HeightFor a Girl Predicted Range
180165166 161 cm to 171 cm

Mid-Parentantal Height Method

Father's Height (cm) Mother's Height (cm) Child's Gender Predicted Adult Height (cm)
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